During remote learning, Denver Public Schools is providing free Sora eBook and audiobook access to all DPS students and staff. Students and staff can instantly access 30,000 eBooks and audiobooks on any computer, tablet or smartphone by logging in with DPS credentials.
Denver Public Schools Database catalog, LION provides access to 44 databases and is available online and on all computers in the library. Visit LION Catalog
The DMLK Early College library is open for general use during school hours by parents, students and staff. During class time, advisory or students that have an off period may come down for book check-out and research.
Students must have a pass from their teacher and an assignment to work on.
Our library features a media rich environment that includes technology for students and staff.
DMLK’s bookroom, which is housed in the library, is stocked with classroom sets of books for teachers to check out. Over 20,000 titles available.
Janell Hawkins, Librarian
Ms. Hawkins is the tech support for the library and brings her experience with a broad range of books and online databases to our MLK, JR. Early College library!
The Library is open from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.