Early Bird Registration is Now Open, May 6-June 5th
La inscripción anticipada ya está abierta, del 6 de mayo al 5 de junio

Special Education

Special Education is a form of learning provided to students with exceptional needs such as with cognitive, learning, emotional, and/or behavior disabilities. Special Education and related services are provided in public schools at no cost to parents and includes special instruction in the classroom. Services are designed to enable a child with a disability to receive a free public education as designated by the individual IEP developed for each Special Education student. MLK offers a continuum of services both in the Mild Moderate setting as well as in the center programs.

  • ACE – Alternative Cooperative Education
  • ADD – Attention Deficit Disorder
  • ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
  • AT – Assistive Technology
  • BIP – Behavior Intervention Plan
  • ESY – Extended School Year
  • FAPE – Free and Appropriate Public Education
  • FBA – Functional Behavioral Assessment
  • FERPA – Family Educational Rights Privacy Act
  • HI – Hearing Impairment
  • ID – Intellectual Disability
  • IDEA – Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
  • IEP – Individualized Education Plan
  • LD – Learning Disability
  • LRE – Least Restrictive Environment
  • MD – Multiple Disabilities
  • MH – Mental Health
  • MI – Multi-Intensive
  • MIA – Multi-Intensive Autism
  • MIS – Multi-Intensive Severe
  • M/M – Mild Moderate
  • NCI – Non-Violent Crisis Intervention
  • OHI – Other Health Impairment
  • OI – Orthopedic Impairment
  • OSEL – Office of Social and Emotional Learning
  • OT – Occupational Therapist
  • PARA – ParaProfessional
  • PT – Physical Therapist
  • SEAC – Special Education Advisory Council
  • SED – Social Emotional Disability
  • SEO – Student, Equity, and Opportunity Partners
  • SLD – Specific Learning Disability
  • SLI – Speech Language Impairment
  • SLP – Speech Language Pathologist
  • SPED – Special Education
  • SSP – Special Service Provider
  • STAR – Students Transitioning to Adult Resources
  • TBI – Traumatic Brain Injury
  • VI – Vision Impairment
  • WES – Work Experience and Study
  • WESS – Work Experience, Study and Supports

Mild Moderate (M/M)

Students usually have mild academic or behavioral difficulties and can often be very successful with limited or moderate special education supports.

Multi-Intensive (MI)

Provides a functional approach to academic and life skills for students with moderate to severe delays in cognition, academic achievement, and/or adaptive behaviors. Programming provides students with opportunities to develop academic, social, and transition competencies essential to becoming productive citizens to their communities. Students are taught life long skills that will maximize the potential to live, work and participate within society.

Multi-Intensive Severe (MI-S)

This program serves pupils who frequently manifest multiple disabilities. Curriculum emphasis is in development of basic skills and concepts. Motor, communication and social skills are infused throughout all areas.

Multi-Intensive Autism (MI-A)

The MIA center is geared more specifically to meeting the needs of students with autism or autistic-like behaviors which is also available as part of a continuum of services. The range of services must be available to students so that they can be served in the Least Restrictive Environment.

DMLK serves students with a variety of services based on their academic, behavioral, and social emotional needs. Below you will find the different models that DMLK offers.

Models include:

  • Math/English SPED Intervention Classes: Students attend not only their core Math and/or English class but have an option of having an intervention class with a Special
    Education teacher to teach the skills that are lagging in their core classes. This is based on the need of the student as well as the decision of the IEP team.
  • Math/English Push-In Support Classes: Students attend their grade level Math and/or English class with the support of both the General Education teacher and Special
    Education teacher.
  • Math/English SPED Intervention and Push-In Combined: Students have a combination of Push-In and SPED Intervention models in their daily schedules based on their needs.
  • Center Students Inclusion: Each center based classroom pushes into either an AVID, Science, or Social Studies class which changes per semester. Each class has a General Education teacher and a Special Education teacher.

ACEConnect is a support program that prepares students with disabilities by ensuring that they are post-secondary and workforce-ready. Students may choose to enter any industry, and ACEConnect helps them to build the soft skills that align with their career choice.

Transition Planning

Transition planning resources offer a continuum of support for students looking to access post-secondary education, employment, and independent living options after completing credits required for graduation. Resources include information on case management, coaching and direct instruction in the areas of community access, adult independent living and job readiness.


Transportation Services is committed to providing the highest level of service and support for students with disabilities. Their goal is to ensure a safe and pleasant trip to and from school for all students.

For students identified for Special Educations Services, the IEP and program designation will determine if your child requires transportation. The Department of Transportation must receive and complete accurate information regarding your student’s special needs from the Department of Student Services to ensure safe transportation. 

Please note: A parent, guardian or designated adult must meet the bus when driver instructions indicate that the student cannot be left unattended. The responsible adult must be seen at the door of the bus before the student is released.

Routing questions

Call 720-423-4699. This number is for schedules, route information, and is staffed 7-8 hours a day. If you have an issue with a bus or a bus driver please have all pertinent information: students ID/name, school, route number, date incident occurred and whether it is the a.m. or p.m. bus.

Dispatch questions

Call 720-423-4624. This number is for parents to call to cancel a pick up for the day or longer, if a bus is late, or if a child has left something on the bus.

Resources for Parents and Families

Denver Health School Based Health Clinic

Nurse Info: Felicia Hawkins, School Clinic, 720-424-0488

Denver Health’s School Based Health Clinics (SBHC) offer specialized pediatric focused care to treat most health conditions that affect school-aged children. Services are available throughout the school year to any Denver Public Schools (DPS) student or child that attends a DPS affiliated Early Childhood Education (ECE) center within Denver County. SBHCs offer convenient care that limits the amount of time students are out of class and parent/guardians have to be off work. In many cases, students are able to get same day or next day appointments. Learn more information on health center locations.


The purpose of the Extended School Year (ESY) Program is to maintain students’ Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals from the previous school year.

Colorado Department of Education

Medicaid Resources

A jointly funded, Federal-State health insurance program that covers children, the aged, blind, and/or disabled and other people who are eligible to receive federally assisted income maintenance payments.

Family and Community Engagement

Family and Community Engagement (FACE) fosters school communities that are educated, engaged and empowered to share the responsibility in creating thriving schools where Every Child Succeeds.

Colorado Special Education Advisory Committee (CSEAC)

The Special Education Advisory Committee (CSEAC) is a state level committee mandated by federal and state law. Members are interested in the quality of education received by children/youth with disabilities. The committee includes parents of and individuals with disabilities, educational service providers, administrators and representatives from a variety of related agencies. Participation is statewide and representative of diverse disabilities.